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Total # of issues reported = 9

Reported by sangeetha

Total Points of sangeetha = 237


Browser Version: 52.0

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 10

Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: March 18, 2017, 9:23 a.m.




OCR Results:

yexunu k c w Mum/mu gamingslsm We use our own and mud parly cookies to make yam use or our website and services easier to better undeisland how they are used aml lo tallol advertising lly analysing your movemenls around the Sites, ll you commue to use live site withoul chewing your browser settings, we will assume your cousem to me use of cookies. szl oul more aboutthe cookies we use and how to change its comfiguration by leading our cookie Qolicy. Is your business on the map? Cuunuy SCAN Now lelenl Kimgnlom Al. Eelgmm d3 Firiland Fr Build local Drive more online Turn mobile searchers brand awareness and offline traffic. into local buyers.


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