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Total # of issues reported = 61

Reported by andrejkale

Total Points of andrejkale = 27


Browser Version: 56.0.2924

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 10

Bug Type: General
Status: closed
Added on: Feb. 13, 2017, 10:50 a.m.




OCR Results:

r Hummsww. WWW “WWW w My Potentlal Collaborators .lstotiwose‘wie’aytec r as a rgiosc ten s 31:: en Statement POC Brent Rlchardson :1» Hr; um Inssige Contrary to popular belle". Lorem lpsum l5 not slmply random text. .t has roots ln a plece otclasslcal Latln llterature "rom 45 BC, maklng lt over 2000 years old. Rlcnard McCllntock, a Latln protessorat Hampdenrsydney College anlrglnla. O9 40PM Contrary to popularbelle‘. Lorem lpsum l5 notslrrply random text. .t has roots ln a plece otclasslcal Latln lltereture‘rom 45 BC, maklng lt overZOOD years old. Rlcnard McCllntock, a Latln protessorat Hampdeanydney College anlrglnla. 09 40PM BAzdFes Comments Feb. 12. 2017, 11:192 m rancrelkale H l Feb.13.2017.10:27a m rancrelkale Enter A Tables and chat stuck together and offset Name Sollcltatlon Amount Deadllne Sco #r Max fi: Dlscoxen, RES. Fre/rl; DR/rlZ $5,000,000 78


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