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Total # of issues reported = 61

Reported by sangeetha

Total Points of sangeetha = 237


Browser Version: 55.0.2883

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 10

Bug Type: General
Status: closed
Added on: Feb. 2, 2017, 1:29 p.m.




OCR Results:

a Wmleyfirmly x . M .mmrme x .uswprupm x . a "mama x 1: Need "mar." x .u Prupxalsrlkw x .urmmmum x .u mummy.“ x .u Prupxalsrlkw x .3 mm x @ 5p..." . mm x - c i G) I Taxonomists I Pragmatism I Sean Aun'ti Iatement FOC John Fenley ameand mam I... nun, a mug v . Contrary to popular belief, Lorem lpsum is not simply random text. It has room in a piece of classical Latin literatu re from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampdeanydney College in W rgin ia. 09:40PM . Contrary to popular belief, Lorem lpsum is not simply random text. It has room in a piece of classical Latin literatu re from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampdeanydney College in W rgin ia. 09:40PM ; nAdd Files Commean ‘ Post Preview ‘ Name Solicitation Amount Deadlin SCOl # Max STEM +Computing Partnerships {STEMJrC‘ 1652? $47,000,000 66


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