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Total # of issues reported = 61

Reported by sangeetha

Total Points of sangeetha = 237


Browser Version: 55.0.2883

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 10

Bug Type: General
Status: closed
Added on: Feb. 2, 2017, 1:13 p.m.




OCR Results:

impacted Groups or individuals :0me nakrd Wm M ogp'lzewi'i age: hydro: (- e (Dwww.5pum.(om/definingrtherwordrmakerspxe/ Makerspaces Hackerspaces Fab Laps Otherspaces The uninformed Public Benefit of Solvingthe Problem dex’aio'iofaosneaoteta May reveal hidden weaknesses and strengths Allow bettergroup solutions to shared problems Facilitate conversations with new people increase understandingofourown needs Known Barriers Hosea 19m n Unread J'eve'isuqessofammeso u: m Vastly differing missions, business models, and corevalues Lack of comprehensive data a bout existing spaces I may o'iesefiwzedex’ro'l McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampdeanydney College in ngnia. Potential Collaborators I Lexicographers :0me 73mm «wawgmmwnsam en I Ontologism I Taxonomists I Pragmatists I Sea n Auriti Statement POC John Fenley “nemd am: 160 a lkvl lugs-5e l: 5min; v 09:40PM A . Contrary to popular belief, Lorem ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece ofclassical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard fifl Fen ley 1 common ground with each oth


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